Thursday, March 17, 2011

Like Minds - Forbes Magazine "The Pursuit of Happiness"

I am not the only voice calling out in the wilderness for the pursuit of happiness at work nor is it just a modern 21st century notion. 


The below was first printed in Forbes magazine on September 15, 1917 and was reprinted in their Flashbacks section in 2007.

The Pursuit of Happiness:

Business was originated to produce happiness, not pile up millions.  Too many so-called “successful” men are making business an end and aim in itself.  They regard the multiplying of their millions and the extension of their works as the be-all and end-all of life.  Such men are sometimes happy in a feverish, hustling sort way, much as a fly placed in a tube of oxygen is furiously happy until its life burns out.  But they have no time for the tranquil, finer, deeper joys of living.  They are so obsessed with the material that they cannot enjoy the immaterial, the intangible, the ideal, the spiritual – quiet thought, self communion, reflection, poise, inward happiness, domestic felicity  What profiteth it a man to gain uncounted riches if he thereby sacrifices his better self, his nobler qualities of manhood?  Mere getting is not living.

I would like to see articles like this in Forbes today.  How about you?

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