Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WWBD (What Would Buddha Do?)

I have learned a lot about creating happiness from Buddhist Philosophy.  Buddha would have made a great team member in any organization because he dedicated his life to eliminating the suffering in the world.

I have taken the same exact vow; I just state the objective in the positive result that we all want to achieve–creating happiness.

Buddha taught that there were Four Truths in the world:
  1. Suffering exists
  2. There is a cause for this suffering
  3. There is a way out
  4. Perfect thought, perfect word & perfect deed
I have never had difficulty getting a consensus on Truth #1; there is plenty of suffering and gnashing of teeth in the business world.

There are those who will try to argue with Truth # 2, but any successful businessperson knows that we have to accept responsibility for our current circumstances.  All of our organizations are uniquely organized by us to get exactly the results we are currently getting.

The most useful “Truths” are numbers 3 and 4, so I would like to dedicate the rest of this post to how these can apply to the business world.

The Way Out

Knowing that there are causes for all organizational suffering and that there is a way by which it may be ended is only useful if you know how to do it.

Fortunately, Buddha did not leave this process to chance and provided a specific system that has been used for 2,500 years to reduce suffering in the world.
  • Perfect Thought
  • Perfect Word &
  • Perfect Deed
The importance of perfect thought is the reason why the most successful people, families and organizations have mission, vision and value statements and strategic plans.  It makes sure that everyone is focused on and thinking about the same things and the right things. 

Buddha taught that you needed to seek mind control first.  Without perfect thought, you will not be able to progress any further toward your full potential.

However, perfect thought alone will not ensure your ultimate success.  You need to enlist perfect word or communication using all the communication tools currently available to make sure that everyone is engaging in the perfect thought that leads to perfect deed or actions. 

Perfect word or communication is essential leadership; the act of getting everyone on the same page and moving synergistically in the same direction.

The following is a quick list of basic communication tools at the disposal of leaders today.
  • Email
  • Voicemail
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Intranets
  • Internet
  • Memos
  • Individual face-to-face verbal and body language
  • Conference calls
  • Video conferences
  • Group meetings
Ultimately, success comes down to execution.  Perfect deed refers to our actions.  These are the choices we make with each present moment of our lives.  We literally create our future by the choices we make in each of our present moments. 

We can create a future of reaching our full potential or a future of frustration and mediocrity through the cumulative effect of these decisions.

Buddha taught this about our actions and deeds:

My actions are my only true belongings.  I cannot escape the consequences of my actions.  My actions are the ground upon which I stand.

The power of the system comes through the synergistic and interdependent nature of the three distinct components; perfect thought, perfect word and perfect deed.

If you have engaged in perfect thought and communicated these thoughts effectively, you create an environment where perfect action can take place if you have the right people on your team.

Have you found a way out from all of the organizational suffering in the business world today? 

We would love to hear from you!


  1. Hello Buddha CEO, reading your blog post makes my heart sing! If only we could shout your message from the highest roof tops. I work for a company committed to fear and to stopping the flow of positive thought and clear communication. We have great products and great people, yet now mission statement and shared values. I try to contribute by having a strong commitment to team and to supporting others. But sometimes, I fall down because there is no one there to support me in my attempts at empowerment. I will come to your blog often for support. I now become a part of your team and am so happy to have it! Much love and appreciation. Mia :)

  2. Mia,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment and for sharing your story. Unfortunately, many will find your situation all too familiar. This is standard operating procedure in many backward “old school” organizations.

    What we need is a 2600 year-end solution (Buddhist Philosophy) to our modern 21st century challenges. You can trust a system that has stood the test of time. It is simple and yet effective.

    Hopefully we can make progress the only way positive change has ever occurred, one person at a time.

    Thanks for being the positive change we need in the world.



Please share your thoughts so we may all learn, stretch and grow!