Saturday, July 9, 2011

Like Minds - Tim Sanders “Love is the Killer App”

In Tim Sanders’ masterpiece, “Love is the Killer App” he offers up the lovecat way “Offer your wisdom freely, give away your address book to everyone who wants it.  And always be human.”  You accomplish this through sharing your knowledge, sharing your network and sharing your compassion.

He describes the above system as an antidote for what he describes as the biggest challenge facing businesspeople today “Men and women across the country are trying desperately to understand how to maintain their value as professionals in the face of rapidly changing times.”

What is a killer app?  Sanders’ defines a killer app as follows: “basically it’s an excellent new idea that either supersedes an existing idea or establishers a new category in its field.  It soon becomes so popular that it devastates the original business model.”

The premise for the book is that Love is the new killer app.  Sanders says (also the clever name of his blog) “Those of us who use love as a point of differentiation in business will separate ourselves from our competition. Further he states that “I believe that the most important new trend in business is the downfall of the barracudas, sharks, and piranhas, and the ascendancy of nice, smart people – because they are what I call lovecats.”

Sanders’ defines love in business or what he calls bizlove as “the selfless promotion of the growth of the other.  When you are able to help others to grow to become the best people they can be, you are being loving – and you, too, grow.”  Sanders’ battle cry is “SHOW ME THE LOVE”.

Tim sets up our contract with our employers as follows: “we take on a contract to create more value than the dollar amount we are paid.  If we don’t add value to our employer, we are value losses; we are value vampires.  Tim’s definition of added value: The value of you inside a situation is greater than the value without you.”  Further he points out that now more than ever, “every member of your team depends on each and every other member to contribute.  You can’t afford to take on people who will sink your value boat.”

Finally, he sets up the meat of the book with the following definition and observation.  “Here then, is my definition of love business: The act of intelligently and sensibly sharing your intangibles with your bizpartners.  What are our intangibles?  They are our knowledge, our network and our compassion.  These are the keys to true bizlove.”


Please share with us your thoughts on the next killer app.  We would love to hear from you!!

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