Saturday, April 9, 2011

Got Vision?

Buddhist philosophy teaches that Perfect Thought, Perfect Word and Perfect Deed are the path to enlightenment.  The Buddha CEO system provides tools for each step along the path.

The first Perfect Thought tool is the Vision Statement.  The goal of a vision statement is to create and sustain excitement.  If your vision for your life, your family or you organization doesn’t make your pulse rate jump into high gear, then you still have work to do.

The bottom line purpose of your vision is essentially to act as an advertisement to attract and retain the right people onto your team.  This could be a spouse, employee, investor, supplier, banker or customer.

Vision Statements should clearly and concisely describe what you intend to accomplish.  They must define what your organization will look like when it is done.  They usually look out into the future at least 2 to five years.  However, longer time frames are fine as long as interim milestones are defined so that you can track your successes along the way to the accomplishment of the ultimate vision.

The vision should define such things as follows:
·        Sales volume
·        # of team members
·        # of locations or geographic reach
·        # of or type of customers
·        Product range or depth

All organizations are simply vessels to match up people and systems internal to the business with customers outside the business with specific products or services over a defined area of some type.  Therefore, a good vision statement incorporates elements of all of the above.

Does your organziation have vision?  Please share yours with us.

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