Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Expect a Storm Part II - Seek Refuge

This is a follow-up to our May 15th post "Expect a Storm". 

We all have the common sense to seek refuge from a storm.  As I indicated in the May 15th post, we should expect frequent storms.  Therefore, safe refuge needs to be a high priority.

So what is safe refuge from a storm?  In Buddhist philosophy, we are taught to seek refuge in the three jewels; the Buddha; the Dharma; and the Sangha.  The Buddha is our spiritual leader in physical form; the Dharma represents his teachings or the Ultimate Truth and the Sangha is the community of Buddhists.

In Christianity, they take refuge in the holy trinity of the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is their spiritual leader in physical form, the Father or God represents the Ultimate Truth and the Holy Spirit represents the living community of Christians. 

This theme of the trinity is more than a coincidence.  There is real power in the number 3.  Have you ever tried to sit on a one legged or even two legged stool?  It can not be done.  You need three legs for a stool to be able to support your weight safely and securely. 

We need a spiritual leader who took physical form so that we can identify with them.  We need an ultimate truth that we know we can rely on in good times and bad.  Lastly, it really does take a village and we need a spiritual community.

So where should we seek refuge in our organizations during our inevitable storms?  What represents the holy trinity of business; Vision, Mission and Values.  There concepts have spiritual significance to your organizations.  Therefore, you need to devote appropriate focus to the development and indoctrination of your own unique organizational Vision, Mission and Values.

Vision is your direction.  If you no not know where you are going it will be difficult to get there.  Mission is your purpose.  Mission driven organizations outperform profit driven ones.  Values are your rules of engagement.  You simply can’t have a civilized society without rules of conduct.

Tell us about where you go to seek refuge from your storms.  We would love to hear from you!

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